Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Happy 75th Nick
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Our infamous MILO

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Derby May 1, 2010

Rich and Patti
Traditionally Speaking...
Over its 136-year history, the Kentucky Derby has amassed dozens of traditions. From the Twin Spires that overlook the track's famous homestretch to the singing of the “song” to the collectible Derby glasses traditions all are an important part of the Derby experience.
Our Kentucky Derby Family has brought together over the years several traditions we hold dear. We always get together – from the time the children were little to now - today. Sometimes, we have an all day party, a family picnic and sometimes we just gather to watch THE race.
Sometimes, we have our own Derby Hat parade and judging. Sometimes, when we have the an all day gathering we watch the entire program of televised races and bet with play money. Each one begins the day with $200. One rule is you must bet at least $10 each race. You can not just hold your $200 till the end of the day. The one with the most play money after the Derby runs is the daily winner and wins a Derby glass.
Always, we sing the song, My Old Kentucky Home with the TV audience. Always, we cut the names of the horses out of the paper and put them in a hat. A few minutes before the race starts we draw a name out of the hat – beginning with the youngest to the oldest. When the race is running we root for our horse. The one who holds the winning horse also gets a Derby glass.