Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ohio River flooding specifically Duffys Landing and the elevated road out toward the USCG Station.

Duffy's Landing is the public launching ramp, where for the past 3 years we have parked our 5th wheel and offered US Coast Guard FREE safety inspections for boaters.
Notice the 5th wheel at the back of the parking lot. Utica Pike is behind the 5th wheel running parallel to the camper and to the Ohio River. The street coming down the hill between the trees and houses in the background is Pawnee. In front of the camper and out toward where I was when I took the picture is the Ohio River.
Also, notice the taller of the two utility poles to the left of the picture. I will use this as a reference in a few of the flood pictures. Just out of range to the right of the picture is the Entrance drive and just to the left side of the picture is the Exit drive for Duffy's Landing.
I have tried to acquaint you with the layout.
Notice the tree in the picture above. It is the same tree in the next three. Twenty-five feet Twenty-seven feet Twenty-nine and a half feet. We are standing on Pawnee. Utica Pike is closed. Notice the tree and water over the Pike. This is about 25 - 26 feet. Considered flood stage. The taller pole is close to the Pike. We parked the 5th wheel by the shorter pole that is where we got our electricity. You can see the yellow Exit gates and a tiny green Duffy's Landing sign. Twenty-nine and a half feet Water over Utica Pike notice the taller utility pole. The Exit gate and small Duffy's sign at the Exit gate are both under water.
When the water goes above 23 feet at the McAlpine Upper it is considered flood stage, over 30 Moderate flood stage, over 38 Major flood stage . Prediction is 33.6 feet by Thursday or Friday the 29th.
How high's the water, mama?
Five feet high and risin'
How high's the water, Papa?
Five feet high and risin'
Johnny Cash
Link to song "How High's the Water, Mama?"
Twenty-eight Feet Entrance gate: Today at 29 1/2 feet everthing you see except the tall light pole and tree far left is under water.... white sign and all.
Duffy's sign at the Entrance and far in the distance Duffy's sign at Exit. Cars on Utica pike.
Standing in the middle of Pawnee looking toward the river. You can see the tall pole, and the area on Utica Pike, where the cars were in the picture above, is now under water.
Well, the rails washed out north of town
We gotta head for higher ground
We can't come back till the water comes down,
Five feet high and risin'
Johnny Cash
Darling yachts has moved their equipment to the top of the hill. This is the elevated road that leads out to the USCG Station where the Auxiliary has their meetings.
Notice the road is under water beyond this site at the bottom of the hill.
The actual bank of the Ohio River is beyond the trees in the far distance.
Crane standing in the water on the road to Admiral's Anchor Marina.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Indiana Easter 2011

Christ is risen, Indeed!
This was our second attempt at a "modified progressive" Easter meal.
  • A progressive meal is where you go to more than one place for a single meal. Some people like to plan it by course: appetizer at one home a soup or salad at another, the main course at someone else's, dessert at someone else's home. We have added a little twist. We only have two stops. The appetizer and main meal is hosted by one family - this year Fred & Joni, last year Gary & Janine. The siblings take turns from year to year hosting the main meal and having the honor of inviting the "old folks" Granny, Papa, Aunt Clara. It is always a surprise where we will end up or- who gets stuck with us.
  • The other siblings usually choose to host their own personal family dinner with or without extended families and friends. (example: Nico and Stacy hosted Stacy's parents and then they were to come to G & J for dessert. Kathy and Jarrod went to her Mother's and then came to G & J's. All of this is coordinated so the individual main meal groups can gather at an appointed time for the grand finale - dessert. As you have probably guess this year it was at Gary & Janine's.
  • Everyone takes part so no-one-person is stuck with all the hosting responsibilities.

For the main meal: Fred and Joni hosted their daughters, the "old folks," plus the Stophers and friend, Lance. (14 persons)

Joni, Fred and Heather. Anna had to work but she did make it just as we were finishing up at the table.

Joni, Fred, Heather, (can't see Aaron) Brian, Jenny, Lance and Bethany (Jordan was on the couch baby sitting Ella.)

Joni and Ella

Jenny, Lance, Bethany, Aunt Clara and Papa Nick

For the main meal: Gary and Janine hosted their daughters, son-in-law, son-in-law to be, and extended families. (15 persons)

Then the other main meal groups joined them at the Herrmann House for the Dessert Finale and family fellowship

Gary and Papa Nick

Papa Nick, Philip and Dave O Ella and Lance

Foreground: Dave O, David - Background: Philip, Alan, Jenny

Lance, Katie, Michael, Jordan, Bethany, Ella, Janine, and Cami

Jarrod, Amy, Kathy and Linda

Wilma, Gwen and Amy Katie and Michael

Linda, Joni and the back of Clara's head
Jordan, Lance and Papa Nick
Violet and Rachel
Molly served herself to some goodies.
Nico and Stacy hosted their children and Stacy's parents.(8)
Joey and Nicki and family (7) are in Moscow - that would be a long commute.
If all showed up it would be a total of (45 persons) plus
Now you can understand why we are working to break this down into a progressive style event. Hope you all had a Happy Easter.

Monday, April 25, 2011

My friend Judie's Family at Easter

Easter 2011
Angie and Beth Jacob and his mother, Beth and grandmother, Judie worked on puzzle.
Looking good!
Beth's husband Mark and Jeff.
Wow ! Do you really eat all these ?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Seasons at Stone Creek Village

Seasons in the Village

Lord, is it time?
Beautiful leaves of Autumn,
How brief is your display.
Rust, yellow and brown,
Orange, red and golden,
Gentle is their whisper.
As they fall to the ground.
Is winter near?

The Village is caught in the grip of ice--
All is under glass.
Trees, landscape, street lights, garden lanterns,
Covered over with crystals dripping over the edge.
Few things more magical then looking out your window
And discovering the redeeming quality of winter – snow.

Summer shines around me in bloom,
It whispers in the beauty of the lily,
When all Summer's there
Roses fill the air.
Granny Jo

Tulips, like teacups on a stem,
Lean into the glory kiss of sun,
Bowing down in the gentle breeze,
In praises to the One.
Granny Jo