My grandkids:
Rachel and Alan (not sure who they are)
Hickox Group: Pheline Clara, Princess Mary, Pilot Reuben, Phantom Seth, Pirate John
Wiese Group: Heather, Kiefer, Nicolaas, Andrew, Sierra, and Friend
Kiefer with Andrew in the background.

Nancy Drew- Amy, Miss Peacock- Violet, Popeye- Michael, Olive Oil- Katie, Geisha- Aaron

Sierra and Friend: Sierra and one of her friends were interviewed by WLKY 32 trunk or treating in Clarksville. We don't know if they showed the interview or not, but we did see the video clip of her trunk or treating in Charlestown. When the Lady asked "what is the most interesting thing you have received while trick or treating?" Sierra's friend said "Sierra got a sock." When the interviewer asked her "can I see it?" Sure enough Sierra pulled the sock out of her treat sack. I am not sure the lady could keep a straight face after that. Hilarious!

Sierra and Friend in Charlestown