Monday, May 30, 2011

My Great-Grand.... Bethany's Baby Girl, Ella

Ella Marie Grace Stopher
You're the treasure I cherish, so sparkling and bright;
You were touch by a Holy and beautiful light.
Like angels that sing, a heavenly thing,
You are "Mommy's baby girl."

The music and lyrics were written by Boby Burke and Horace Gerlach. It was then recorded by the Mills Brothers in 1950. Since then and till he died in 2008 at age 94 Ggpa Friedley sang this song "Daddy's Little Girl" to Clara.

Easter surprise

Ella and "MeeMee"

Ella likes to read

Ella in the Rain Forest

Ella playing in the boppy 

Sweet Dreams


Kathy said...

Your Dad knew all the words to the best songs! cute blog

Your friend, Judie said...

blog...oh They are always good, thanks for sharing Judie