Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Family Story..... Hydrangea "snowball bush"
These are very old flowers. I know they have been around since I was a child. We called them "snowball bush" It is my understanding they have been in the Americas since they were brought here in the 1700's from England. I think they were native to gardens of Japan for many hundreds of years before that. I also know the name "snowball bush" is applied to several plants, the Japanese, Chinese and European "snowball bushes", which are all Viburnum varieties.
Today people are falling in love with them all over again. Lots of my neighbors have them in their gardens. Many remember hydrangeas from their childhood as well.
If any of you read Nicki's blog you would have seen several pictures of the pastel colored blooms such as the one below. I borrowed 2 of her pictures.
Hydrangea bloom
When we lived at 3312 Duncan there was a very large "snowball bush" in the front of the small white house. We were always instructed not to "pick" the flowers. They were to stay on the bush. One day the family was dressed up waiting for a taxi, these were the war years we had no car. Charles (had to be 3 or 4) and I (I had to be 6 or 7). We were in the front yard waiting for the cab. Charles was bored and he picked a snowball bloom. Our Dad was upset with him and said he had to hold the bloom on the stem until it grew back. Charles tried and tried to balance that bloom on the bush. He was afraid if he did not get the bloom back on the bush he would not get to go in the taxi. I began to feel sorry for him and I tried to help. We really did not hear the "rest of the story" until years later. Our Dad was inside peeking at us and enjoying our frustrated efforts. He was about to come out and rescue us when the taxi came. I don't believe Charles ever picked another flower.
Note: to view news and pictures of my Hickox Grandkids click on
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Violet in Seattle with short term mission team

Violet is on the left.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Violet gets special permission to go to prom
Kiefer graduation from Kindergarten

Kiefer and teacher Ms Harbin

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Nicolaas 8th grade graduation

NOTE: to read and view news about my Hickox grand kids click on http://7redzinmotion.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Look who I found on flicker on the internet? Katie and the Maifkeng Mission Team
ROOIGROND, South Africa — As they step out of vans, a cold wind greets the student volunteers from the University of Louisville and Clemson University in the United States and Northwest University in Mafikeng, South Africa. Dust, kicked up by the wind, coats their teeth and settles onto their clothes and skin.
Charged with the task of breaking barriers and sharing Christ with the Setswana people, the 16 American and nine South African students begin unloading their soccer equipment for the day’s events.
Meagerly dressed children come running from every direction, thrilled at the chance to play soccer with the volunteers. The students turn and embrace the descending crowd of children, each child clamoring for attention and love before the clinic begins.
Student volunteers have some down time after a day of ministry and running soccor clinics in villages nearby. photo by Evelyn Adamson
South African and American student volunteers intercede to God on behalf of the Setswana people in Rooigrond = a small village on the outskirts of Mafikeng – photo by Martha Richards
We had a good hour of prayer about the week to come and then some worship time with Mosa who plays the piano awesomely and many great singers!
Katie second from the left. granny
Katie Herrmann, a student at the University of Louisville, visits with South African villagers after a Sunday worship service – photo by Evelyn Adamson
we went to church at the village this morning. it was such a blessing, I have never experienced anything like that before.
A volunteer mission team consisting of students form Clemson University and the University of Louisville in the U S and Northwest University in S A. - photo by Martha Richards
Thank you for all of your prayers. Less than one week left! God is doing great things!

(I put the internet captions under the pictures. Katies comments from her emails and a few of my comments are in italics. I had to search for Katie, there were about 60 pictures)

Katie on the right with her hands in her face. -granny

A village boy recounts the story of the Gospel using the colors on the soccor ball. Photo by Martha Richards.
Tomorrow is the last day of the soccer clinic. We will be giving prizes to the kids including the soccor balls we used for sharing the Gospel. We will be sharing with them one more time. we will be showing the match tomorrow night at the church and will be giving testimonies at half time.
Katie in the pink hat has a child hanging on her back. - granny

Pray for health, working of the Holy Spirit, and that I would be able to see needs
Thank you for the sweet, sweet encouragement. I will try to email you when I can. I will be missing you! Thanks for all of your prayers.
Katie is 3rd row on the left = leaning over in the dark sweater. granny
If you wish to see more pictures go to mReport.org You will have to copy and paste it is not a live link. granny
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Ella 4 We must get all the family members pictures with the new baby, Right?

Great Uncle Nico and Cousin Nicolaas
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